How Can Pokemon Go Help Your Local Marketing?

pokemon GO  Pokemon Go is a game. It’s an Augmented Reality game. So what does that have to do with your local marketing?First, augmented reality is not new. It’s been around since the 60’s. Augmented Reality games are not new, there have been tons of them. And they aren’t new on phones, either. It’s always been thought of as virtual reality’s less glamorous little cousin. So what is it about Pokemon Go that has taken the world by storm? In the USA alone, Pokemon Go has an estimated 7.5 million downloads. There are more people on Pokemon Go than on Twitter. Already, they are generating one and a half million dollars per day. And the game isn’t even available in every country yet.
We are called Influence Engine Marketing for a reason. We don’t care what influences the public, what we care about is can we harness the engine to help you grown your business. Can we market you, in front of it?


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